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How would you enjoy eating the same food every day?  The termite has been eating the same diet of cellulose from wood and other cellulose debris since creation.  Of course, while consuming cellulose termites provide a necessary service in the decomposition of fallen trees, etc.  But the most pertinent question is, how do we exterminate termites from our homes and businesses along with any wooden structure and prevent termites from re-infesting?


The answer to the question is a termite control specialist.  A person who specializes in termite biology and behavior, the proper and safe use of chemicals, the use and maintenance of equipment, and above all safety.  Also, a specialist must have knowledge of building construction that is gained through experience.


Termite Biology & Behavior:

Termite colonies contain castes, a distinct type of individual that differs in form and function.  Colonies contain eggs and immature termites that may develop into workers, soldiers or reproductive with an equal number becoming male or female.

There is no predestination among termites to become a member of a particular caste.  Their caste is determined by the changing needs of the colony.  The needs of the colony are communicated through a process called trophallaxis.  If a colony needs more soldiers or reproductive, changes are made through trophallaxis to alter the proportion of individuals that develop into each caste.

The terminology describing termite castes and their development can be confusing.  However, they possess a mechanism that allows them to reverse development.  Nymphs most often develop into reproductives transforming into winged termites, referred to as alates or swarmers.  The possessed mechanism allows nymphs that are progressing toward one caste to undergo a regressive molt and revert from an intended reproductive caste to a worker.

The reproductive caste produces all offspring in the colony.  Each mature colony contains two types of reproductives, primary and secondary.  The primary productives are the “swarmers” seen in infested structures when they emerge from colonies at certain times of the year depending upon climatic conditions.

Soon after the swarm is complete, the swarmers shed their wings, the female raises her abdomen and releases a pheromone to attract a male.  A single male at this point remains in constant touch with the female, which can attract other males as they move along the ground in search of a suitable nesting site.

But only one male and female will pair together to found a new colony, they do this by excavating a chamber in soft soil.  The pair becomes the primary king and queen of the colony and they will remain underground throughout their entire existence.  In the early stages of the colony, the king and queen take care of the eggs and young termites until they are capable of eating wood.  Eventually, the workers will take care of all these responsibilities along with feeding the king and queen, allowing them to have the longest life span of any individuals in the colony.

If the king and/or queen dies or a group of individual termites become isolated from the primary colony, some of them will develop functional reproductive organs.  These are secondary reproductives that will be responsible for egg laying to sustain the new colony.  Secondary reproductives in the primary colony are also responsible for the majority of egg production once the colony is established.

Termites consume wood, paper, clothing, even fruits & vegetables because each of these contain cellulose.  Cellulose is the main nutritional ingredient in all of these food sources.  Cellulose is also the most common organic compound on earth.  Termites can tear off and consume tiny parts of these compounds and store them in their gut for their own digestion and to “throw up” the digested cellulose in the nest for the young termites to eat (trophallaxiz process) until they can consume food on their own.

It should be readily apparent from termite biology and habits that termites are a sophisticated society of destructive geniuses.

No pest is more complicated to exterminate than termites, they present a formidable challenge because of their tenacious foraging habits, considering their tiny size and nature.

Understanding the biology and habits of termites gives the termite control specialists an opportunity to choose from available modes of treatment to exterminate---even the geniuses.

Control of Subterranean Termites

The most important part of controlling termites begins with a thorough inspection.  If the inspection reveals your home or structure has an infestation of subterranean termites, Lone Pine Exterminating has the trained technicians with experience to exterminate termites and provide a guaranteed service.

The inspection of a home or structure provides the information for identification and the necessary information to produce a graph of your home or structures.  An example of the information follows:

-The diagram of the structure (graph) includes dimensions (footage), foundation type, attached slabs, etc.

-The graph will also reveal the location of existing termite channel (mud tubes or tunnels) and existing damage.

-The inspection will also reveal moisture conditions, inadequate ventilation and/or wood to soil contact.

-Also, the graph should provide the location of any features that complicate treatment, i.e., wells, sub-slab heating ducts, etc.

-Treatment specifications (specs) are taken from the graph.  Either vertical or horizontal drilling that may include block, brick, stone, concrete and/or short-rodding slabs. 

-Treatment in (accessible) crawl spaces & (inaccessible) crawl spaces, soil treatment of interior walls and piers, basements, trenching & rodding the exterior foundation walls.

-These are just some of the requirements for some of the types of structures that is necessary to provide a professional treatment that will stand the test of time.

In a liquid Termidor SC treatment for termites, the test of time is determined by how well the termiticide will “hold up,” in effect maintain and active residual in the soil and continue to eliminate termites.

At Lone Pine Exterminating since December 2000, thousands of homes and businesses have been treated with Termidor SC without the first call back for re-treatment.  Treating with Termidor SC at label rates has eliminated the termites 100% every time.  This is an amazing termiticide, when used properly it will provide for the long term.

Long Term:

Long term residual and effectiveness also depends upon

the knowledge and experience of the person actually on site doing the treatment.

If you have termites or want an inspection to determine if termites are present call Lone Pine Exterminating Company. Inspections and consultations are free.

For trained inspectors and technicians that are knowledgeable of termite biology, structures, termiticides, and their proper and safe use

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